Sunday, July 12, 2009

Presenting Lil'Mouse

The ArtFire Chainmaille Guild is pleased to introduce another of its fabulous members. This time it is Lil' Mouse Here they are to answer the questions.

1) How long have you been a Chainmailler? 4 years, i think.

2) Why do you like Chainmaille?
it is so different and unique... much more fun that basic bead stringing.

3) What is your favourite type of ring? I really like the Enameled Copper, but work mostly with AA and rubber.

4) What kind of items do you prefer to make? I make a lot of jewelry, but i am planning on branching out into home goods, and clothing.

5) Which weave would you like to learn that you dont currently know? Jens Pind! It is killing me that I can't figure that one out from the many different tutorials out there!

6) Which piece are you most proud of? Hmmmm, I think it would be this one from my ArtFire Shop - Black and Silver Square Weave Necklace. I really love the way it turned out, and it is BEAUTIFUL!

7) What advice would you give to someone who was considering doing Chainmaille? Watch out, it is ADDICTIVE!

Thank you very much Lil'Mouse! You can see much more in their studio on ArtFire, so go and have a look.

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